Όπως ανέφερε και σχετική ανάλυση του Economist, υπάρχουν πράγματι στοιχεία ανησυχίας -όπως συμβαίνει με όλες τις οικονομίες της πρώην Ανατολικής Ευρώπης (ήδη έσυρε πρώτη το χορό η Ουγγαρία).
Απηύθυνα σχετικό ερώτημα σε συνεργάτη μου Ρουμάνο, που αποδεδειγμένα είναι και καλά πληροφορημένος και ψύχραιμος. Η σύντομη απάντηση που έδωσε μας παρέχει κάποια πρώτα στοιχεία, ώστε η διαμόρφωση της γνώμης μας να μην βασίζεται μόνο στις γενικόλογες αναλύσεις που ακούμε τις τελευταίες μέρες στην Αθήνα.
“Romania is starting to feel the effects of the international crisis but is less affected by it as its economy was quite still isolated.
At overall level - National Bank reserves are double than the external deficit (27 bil. Eur vs.11 bil. Euros) therefore officials expect no huge problems on that.
Main market movements at this stage:
a. In real estate some projects were stopped as international investors withdraw from them; sales have decreased as people are more cautious in taking loans and credits or they expect for the prices to drop. In any case prices were reaching unthinkable heights before. Developers say that prices will not drop in the case of powerful and serious developers who can afford waiting and have had to increase prices based on utility prices increase and labor force cost increase.
b. Banks are making credits less available- loans market decreased 10-15% after summer.
c. Companies are cautious and budget for austerity. Expectations are that 2009 would not be a fabulous year but no has a clear idea or scenario on what is to come. ( and how much is actually generated by the link with the international financial crisis)
d. At social level- huge movements-some encouraged by the electoral campaign starting today. The Parliament has approved an increase with 50% of professors' salaries. Government says this is not sustainable and refuse to implement the law. Huge debates on that and other budgetary categories are requesting the same (public servants/ officers). President requested them to postpone the strikes until after elections.
The main issue is that by granting this salries increase Gvt. fears of inflation roll on.
This would be the summary of the summary”.
*η φωτο είναι από το flickr*
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